The easiest way for local businesses to hire local talent
Effortlessly apply to pizzeriashotelsbakeriesretail storescafesrestaurantsclubsbars
Post your jobs in all the best places
Place your jobs on our local job map
Let your candidates plan the perfect commute (hint: it's short).
Now-Hiring Instagram Posts
Your next employees are already following you. Let them know you're hiring!
Now-Hiring QR code
Redirect walk-in applicants to your QR Code and don't get distracted.
Highlight your roles on our city-by-city job board
Who you need won’t be on those “traditional” sites. They’ll find you right here.
Bring the best through your door
Grounds for hiring
Instantly access detailed profiles of potential hires. View their experience, skills, availability, and contact information all in one place. Our user-friendly interface ensures you find the perfect fit for your café, effortlessly.
Hit them up on mobile...
Your crew isn’t glued to their desk- you’ll get to them faster, and before your competition does with our texting capabilities with ease.
... and keep the process flowing
The entire process for a job seeker is designed for mobile, so they can breeze through the process and join your team, sooner.
Watch your results
With a super easy-to-digest (see what we did there) dashboard, you’ll know exactly who’s moving through the process.
Easy for talent to find you, easier for you to start hiring
Applicants are local and part of your community
85% of candidates reply within 15 minutes
Boost employee retention 2-4x by hiring locally
2-day average time-to-hire
Cut your hiring costs by 60-90%
8 of 10 applications result in interviews
Quickly post jobs
Advertise your open roles lighting-fast, so you can start attracting all the “dough-getters” in minutes.
Book a demoEasily view applicants
Swipe through a simple and straightforward list of job seekers in real time, to quickly restock on talent.
Start hiringHundreds of local businesses hustling smarter
"Essential in opening our new restaurant"
HeyHire was instrumental in opening our new restaurant. We hired everyone from line cooks to servers to an experienced captain. Overhead went down with expedited hiring of skilled professionals. Thanks HeyHire!
"Highest Quality Applicants"
It's hard to determine what classifies an applicant as 'high quality'. The common denominator across my best employees is simple: they're LOCAL. HeyHire has brought me nothing but local applicants, helping me make the best hires I could.
"I Wish We Had This Sooner"
We've been using HeyHire for 2 years and I still can't believe how easy it is. Thanks HeyHire for making my life so much easier!
"Hired All My Coaches With HeyHire"
At first we were hesitant whether or not HeyHire can help our fitness center find instructors. To date, we hired 19 of our 21 fitness instructors with HeyHire.
"It’s a necessity"
For our new bar, we needed to hire a team of 50 in less than three weeks – HeyHire got us 100 applicants in just days. A1 customer support too!
"It’s the only way we hire."
HeyHire has helped me find employees for all five of my locations – it’s truly made hiring a breeze. It’s now the only way that we hire.
"100+ Hires"
When I was told it takes 2 days to hire with HeyHire I thought they were joking. Then we made our first hire same-day but I was still doubtful. 100+ hires later, I take it back. I will never use anything else to hire at my bars.
"Never easier to attract talent"
In a big city like Austin, it’s super hard to attract good employees. HeyHire has allowed us to increase our pool of applicants tenfold.
"Hiring staff our customers love"
"HeyHire has made it so much easier for us to attract and hire the right candidates, especially with the volume of turnover in our industry."
Simple, monthly pricing
1 position
Unlimited applicants
Unlimited hires
Custom landing page
Banner maker
App map placement
Most popular
3 positions
Everything in Go, plus :
2 users
Integrations (from library)
Unlimited templates
Calendar integration
Customer success manager
Complimentary banner design (annual only)
Unlimited positions
Everything in Plus, plus :
Unlimited users
Integrations (custom)
Complimentary banner print+fulfilment (annual only)
White glove onboarding
No annual price
1 position
Unlimited applicants
Unlimited hires
Custom landing page
Banner maker
App map placement
Most popular
3 positions
Everything in Go, plus :
2 users
Integrations (from library)
Unlimited templates
Calendar integration
Customer success manager
Complimentary banner design (annual only)
Unlimited positions
Everything in Plus, plus :
Unlimited users
Integrations (custom)
Complimentary banner print+fulfilment (annual only)
White glove onboarding
Your burning questions
HeyHire is a hiring platform that helps businesses connect with local jobseekers.
HeyHire offers a quick 2-day average time-to-hire by eliminating the clutter of non-local applicants and streamlining the communication with your candidates.
Not at all! HeyHire was designed for any business that wants to hire local people, such as bars, cafes, retail stores, hotels and many more!
Easy! From a jobseeker’s profile, you’ll see a “Chat With Applicant” button which will start a chat with them. They’ll receive your message as an SMS right away! You can then view all your chats under “Messages” on your sidebar.
If you have a multi-location plan, you can easily manage your brands and locations by using the dropdown menu on the top of the sidebar to the left.
Go to “Posters & QR Codes > QR Codes” to create your first QR code and choose where you want it to go. Then, go to “Posters” and design the banner for your QR Code!